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Mina Patel-Chamberlin, MD

Dr. Patel-Chamberlin first became interested in nephrology in medical school. She was fascinated by the complexities of kidney physiology such as regulation of fluid and electrolytes, blood pressure, and bone health to list a few. Dr. Patel-Chamberlin learned early on during her training that nephrology is one of the few specialties where doctors have an opportunity to build a long-term relationship with patients and their family members. From the day of the first encounter with patients, a nephrologist is there to help educate regarding kidney disease as well as provide resources to cope with chronic kidney disease. Nephrology is one of the few subspecialties that integrates knowledge from many areas of medicine.

Dr. Patel-Chamberlin is also a Diplomat for the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine (DipABLM). Evidence shows that integrating lifestyle medicine can address up to 80% of chronic diseases including chronic kidney disease. She has her certification in Plant Based Nutrition and counsels her patients on the impact of “Food as Medicine” and health. Her
passion is to educate and provide tools to anybody who is interested in incorporating lifestyle changes for their health.

Dr. Patel-Chamberlin has additionally spent some time doing basic science research during her training. She has published several articles pertaining to her research.

During her free time, Dr. Patel-Chamberlin loves spending time outdoors. Hiking, and biking with her family is one of her favorite activities. She loves cooking and spends much of her time in the kitchen creating flavorful plant-based recipes.

  1. Chamberlin MP, Sahedi K, Barone S, Soleimani M: The role of epithelial sodium channel ENaC and the apical Cl-/HCO3- exchanger pendrin in compensatory salt absorption in the distal nephron in NCC (Na-Cl cotransplorter) KO mice. J Am Soc Nephrol, ASN 2013
  2. Dai T, Chamberlin M, Nast CC, Natarajan R, LaPage J, Adler SG: Glomerular (GLOM) RhoA Activation and Actin Cytoskeleton (AcCTSKN) Integrity in Streptozocin-Induced Diabetic Nephropathy (SZ-DN). J Am Soc Nephrol 16:403A, 2005.
  3. Chamberlin M, Dai T, Jayaranta I, LaPage J, Natarajan R, Adler SG: RhoGTPases and actin depolymerizing protein cofilin in diabetic nephropathy (DN). J Am Soc Nephrol 18:653A, 2007. Wang, Y., Dai, T, Wu X, Chamberlin, M et al, Hematopoietic growth factor inducible neurokinin-1 (HGFIN): Marker of injury in diverse renal disease across species. JASN 19:185A, 2008
  4. Chamberlin M, Dai T, Natarajan R, LaPage J, Phillips L, Ma J, and Adler SG : RhoA inhibition
    leads to apoptosis in cultured mouse podocytes via down-regulation of Akt activation. J Am Soc
    Nephrol 19: 2008, 434A
  5. Satirapoj B, Wang Y, Chamberlin M, LaPage J, Phillips L, Nast CC, Adler SG: Overexpression of Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) in the Remnant Kidney after 5/6 Nephrectomy (5/6Nx) and Antigen Transport to Renal Lymph Nodes (RLN). Poster, American Society of nephrology, Nov, 2009
  6. Satirapoj B, Wang Y, Chamberlin M, LaPage J, Phillips L, Nast CC, Adler SG: Identification of Periostin as a Novel Tissue and Urinary Biomarker for Progressive Renal Injury. Poster, American Society of nephrology, Nov, 2009
  7. Satirapoj B, Wang Y, Chamberlin M, LaPage J, Phillips L, Nast CC, Adler SG: Identification of Periostin as a Novel Tissue and Urinary Biomarker for Progressive Renal Injury. Poster, American Society of nephrology, Nov, 2009
  8. Wang Y, Adler SG, Chamberlin M, Satirapoj B, Dai T, LaPage J, Nast CC: Identification and Localization of Glycoprotein nmb (Gpnmb) in the Rat 5/6 Nephrectomy (Nx) Remnant Kidney (RK). Poster, American Society of Nephrology, Nov, 2009
  1. Mina Chamberlin E. Helen Kemp Anthony P. Weetman Bhupesh Khadka Edward M. Brown. Immunosuppressive therapy of autoimmune hypoparathyroidism in a patient with activating autoantibodies against the calcium?sensing receptor. Clinical Endocrinology, 2019;90:214-221
  2. 2. Satirapoj B, Wang Y, Patel-Chamberlin M., Nast CC, LaPage J, Phillips L, Paik M, Lee D, and Adler, SG. Novel tissue and urinary biomarker of progressive renal injury indicative of distal nephron tubular epithelial mesenchymal transition: Nephrol Dial Transplant (2011) 0:1-10
  3. 3.Patel-Chamberlin M, Wang Y, Dai T, Satirapoj B, Wu X, Natarajan R, Nast CC, Hirschberg R, LaPage J, Watkins R, Nam E, Haq T, and Adler SG: Hematopoietic Growth Factor Inducible Neurokinin-1 (HGFIN): Marker of Injury in Diverse Renal Disease Across Species. Kidney International, March 2011
  4. Dai T, M.Patel-Chamberlin, Natarajan R, Todorov I, Ma J, LaPage J, Nast CC, Becerra D, Chuang P, Tong L, de Belleroche J, Wells DJ, and Adler SGOverexpression of heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) confers resistance to cytokine-induced beta cell apoptosis and attenuates the development of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus. Endocrinology 150(7):3031-9, 2009
  5. T Dai, R Natarajan, CC Nast, J Lapage, P Chuang, J Sim, L Tong, M Patel Chamberlin, S Wang and SG Adler. Glucose and diabetes: Effects on podocyte and glomerular p38MAPK, heat shock protein 25, and actin cytoskeleton. Kidney International (2006) 69, 806-814
  6. 6.Gazumuri RJ, Hoffner E, Kalcheim J, Ho H, Patel M, Ayoub I, Epstein M, Kingston S, Han Y. Myocardial Protection during Ventricular Fibrillation by Reduction of Proton-Driven Sarcolemmal Sodium Influx. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, January 2001, volume 137, Number 1:43-55

Patient Reviews

Dr Patel-Chamberlain is a very competent and caring physician. She takes detailed notes and keeps up with everything needed for her patients' care. She is absolutely the best Doctor I have ever had.

Everything from parking, location and reception is great. Dr. Chamberlin always has the best and caring assistants. Not to mention, Dr. Patel-Chamberlin is the best nephrologist I've ever been to. Not only is she the most personable, she is a great Dr.

Great. Dr. Patel-Chamberlain is very good. She takes the time to explain what is going on. I never feel like she is not there, that she is not rushing on to her next patient. It's hard to find doctors as good as she is.

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